Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Political Turmoil

Come in come in. In this time of intense division and battle lines being drawn, you can always come here by the fire and sit with me. Silence is such a beautiful thing. Watch the flames, watch the smoke. I offer ... distractions! :)

The Guild already has two episodes up! They aren't doing the same thing as before, with the eps on their website, instead it's on MSN Video. Sponserships! :) So here are the links to enjoy these two eps.

Oh crap the MSN site is fubar'd, and I can't link the second ep. I'm sure they'll fix it, and you'll be able to find it from the first. Enjoy this meaningless distraction within the horribleness that is Canadian politics. :)


Viper Pilot said...

Does it looks as bad from the inside as it does from the outside?

I mean, Harper's certainly no Dubya, but gosh he sure is trying hard, ain't he? Calling a coalition government 'undemocratic' has to be one of the most neo-con weasel tricks I've ever seen.

Silent Winged Coyote said...

I think they're all acting like ass hats.

And I doubt there's anyone out there that really shares my point of view on the entire thing.

And I've grown so tired of trying to explain it without partisan politics entering the equation that I'm going to sit back and wait for it to resolve itself. And decide what to do once parlament is back in session.