Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Come in, the fire is still going in case you want to roast a marshmellow or two. Beautiful weather we've had and the skins are pulled back to let the fresh smell of the rain in. Wow is it ever a beautiful night. So I made a goofy comment and someone said 'That could so be a quote for you.' And y'know what, it's true. So I thought I'd explain my writing process.

First the quote: "I see writing as my combat sport." And I do. Writing should provoke something. Thought, emotions, action, something. It should reach out and touch the reader somehow. So to that end I usually require the right mindset for writing.

First off I pick some music, something loud and with a steady driving rhthym. Living Color's 'Cult of Personality' gets a nod sometimes, lotsa songs by The Watchman. Then I grab a book that is completely different from what I'm working on, head outside and power down three cigarettes. When I get back in I down about a litre of some caffinated beverage (My fav right now is Diet Dr. Pepper) and then BAM!! It's GO TIME BITCHES!!!!

I keep the music blasting, I move, I dance, I write, I slam out words into strings of ideas and fight my way towards my goal. It tends to come out fairly well. I do it before essay style finals as well. WHOOT!!!

Forget this quiet place to study and think. I want the noise of the world to pour into me so I can see everything out there and encapsulate it into what I'm writing about. I lock down those ideas and punch'em out.

That's my writing process. *flex*

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