Friday, January 29, 2010

Facebook flame

So come on in and enjoy the fire. I did something today I haven't done in a long time and makes me happy. I flamed the crap out of someone. Check it.

Miranda OMGOMGOMGOMG Michael Buble is coming to Saskatchewan again ths summer! SO GOING!!!!
Yesterday at 16:42 · Comment ·LikeUnlike
3 people like this.

keep me posted miranda!
Yesterday at 16:44

It's Saskatoon in August, but I dont care. I saw him at the Casino Regina years ago before he was huge and LOVED it!!!
Yesterday at 16:45

do you remember the Ops mgr Chris? He was my ops and at the xmas party one year he said to us, this guy is going to be HUGE. He played us "home" before it was released to mainstream radio. Now every time I hear him sing, I think of Chris.
Yesterday at 16:46

Ha ha. I knew it too, the first time I heard him. he was on the Vicki Gaberuex (how ever its spelled) with his first album and I fell in love right then with his music. :D
Yesterday at 16:47

Yep he is amazing.
Yesterday at 16:48

Levar Rowe
Michael Buble is a fag...your welcome
Yesterday at 16:54

go fuck yourself
Yesterday at 16:55

Levar Rowe
you say that like its a bad thing :)
Yesterday at 16:56

Buble has more talent in his left eye than you do in your whole body. You post a childish response to an enthusiastic woman's Facebook status because you are jealous of said talent. It's ok, run along and play with your legos before bed time.
Yesterday at 17:05

Levar Rowe
You wanna talk about childish comments? Your woman always put stupid and disrespectful comments on people's wall. So you can shut your got damn mouth b4 I put my foot in side of your head. I would of said ass but I know how much u would like that. Stop trying to be an internet warrior.
Yesterday at 17:13

EXCUSE ME??? WTF are you talking about??
Yesterday at 17:18

You're the one being disrespectful
Yesterday at 17:19

where did you find that!
Yesterday at 18:34

Wow. Don't talk trash about talent and Don't FUCKING TALKING TRASH ABOUT FAG'S You worthless piece of shit! People like you should not exists in this world! You are closed minded and just a waste of time and space!
Yesterday at 22:40

Levar Rowe
LOL korrine just stop your making yourself look like a drama queen. I didnt talk trash about gays, I've got no problem wit that as it doesn't effect my life in the slighest. I basically called the guy wack so relax. Where in this conversation did I make fun of the homosexual lifestyle? I can talk trash about michael buble all I want so just shut it.
15 hours ago

Richard Jensen
Mr Rowe, while I firmly believe you are indeed allowed to speak your mind, I feel it is also my right to correct your misconceptions and ignorance. First and foremost, you did indeed 'make fun of the homosexual lifestyle.' You said Mr. Buble is gay, insinuating that the word is a pejorative. Go ahead and get your dictionary and look a few of those words up and then come back to read the rest. I'll wait. What the use of gay in this context implies is that you have little regard for Mr. Buble, but indeed you also have little regard for homosexuals and believe that it is still insulting to call someone gay. In case you were wondering this is called bigotry. Secondly, it is you're welcome. Miss Kirkness does not own the welcome. Your is the possessive pronoun, and you're is the contraction of you are. So to demonstrate this: Mr. Rowe, your bigotry and lack of grammatical knoweldge has impressed upon me that you're a complete fucktard. In the future you're best served if you keep your rude comments to yourself, because you are unable to intelligently do so and fail to insult as well as prove your incredible ignorance and stupidity. In short: you're an idiot and your smack talk is weak. So fuck off.
7 hours ago ·

Levar Rowe
How do you know I wasn't calling him a cigarette? fag = cigarette, cigarette = wack, so frig off wit this bigot shit already.
5 hours ago

Richard Jensen
Wow. That you would respond with that shows me just how chastised you are. Let's be honest shall we Mr. Rowe? You didn't mean cigarette. You don't make that particular slang a part of your venacular. You meant it as a derogatory and inflamitory comment about homosexuals and Mr. Buble. So now you're not only a bigot but a liar and a coward. You can't even own up to your own failings. Me? I'm an asshole who takes immense pleasure in pointing out the ignorance and stupidity (Those are two different things, go look them up) of people around me. Just like I'm doing now.So Mr. Rowe, I suggest again, that you keep your comments to yourself in the future and you may not find me lurking about pointing out what a complete asshat you are. Or suggesting that a dick knuckle like you perhaps would be better served as part of a medical experiment on how dick knuckles manage to type. To repeat a previous statement to you Mr. Rowe. Fuck off. Fuck off you syphilis infected dripping from the cunt of a diseased whore.
4 hours ago ·

Ahhhh, that felt so good.

I changed everyone's name but mine and his. I don't protect the ignorant and stupid.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was some sexy sexy smackdown. A shame you had to do it in defense of Michael Bublé, who is quickly becoming the 'second coming of Celine Dion' in the world outside Canada.

But, hey, it was worth seeing you turn that fucktard inside out for that. I was calling hi a cigarette. Bwahaha.