Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Some big See You Next Tuesdays around...

Come on in, the fire is low since it is getting so nice outside. Just sittin' here enjoying some Diet Dr. Pepper. And the news. Boy oh boy some people are real tools.

Let's start with the easiest. Mark McGuire. You fucking dumbass. So he's come clean, he used steroids, yet still insists he could have performed as well without them. He has 'a gift for hitting home runs.' Whatever you lying sack of shit. You cheated, like the vast majority of professional athletes do, and now you've come clean, sort of. What health issues did a well trained athlete have that required steroids? Hmmm? Whatever. Jackass.

Next let's move on to Harper and his PCs. My buddy Marlon the Black Pope wrote his MP a letter and basically got a form letter back and then this morning I listen to Harper spout the same bullshit on air. You're telling me you fucktards can't do your jobs when Parliament is in session? Whatever. I wish I could walk away from my job when it gets tough to deal with those who might criticise it. Be able to tell my professors 'I'm just going to stop coming to class and you'll still give me a passing grade. The stress of your judging my work is too much.' Fuck you.

And finally let's just take a crack at my favorite target, Tom Flannagan. Oh how I love to hear you spout whatever bullshit is coming out of your racist, intellectually flawed, mouth. I want to kill you with words you extremist asshole. 'Hardball tactics' huh? Fuck you too. It's not hardball it's the PCs taking their ball and going home. You syphilis infected cumbubble. I swear your dad should have fucked that goat up the ass rather than impregnate the poor animal who had to birth you.

Yeah I'm a little rage-filled. I'm getting healthier, and as I've stated before it increases my libido. And there's no one to enjoy it. Damnit. So rage it is!

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