Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Come on in, the fire is low because the weather is just gorgeous!! Even my cat, who is terrified of everything that is outside our door, wants to enjoy it.

So my friend Cenobyte, she's pretty awesome. Really really awesome actually. She's wonderfully kind, brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and a whole lot of other words that say she's awesome. But there were times when I thought to myself, 'No one is this awesome... when will we find the bodies?'

Well I found them. Here. She twitters. Oh Ceno. Oh my, that's just ... so ... so ... unawesome.

PS I can't remember Ceno's hand signs for posts to denote humour and sarcasm, but various parts of the post should have those signs. Can you find them?

1 comment:

cenobyte said...

Dude, I know this 'cenobyte' of whom you speak. I can't speak to her awesomeness, but I can tell you that even NEIL GAIMAN HIMSELF replies to cenobyte's tweets.

She has been known to use the word 'twat' to describe a tweet made in the past, as well.