Wednesday, March 31, 2010

War! *HUH* What is it good for?

Come on in, and grab a seat, the skins are thrown back so we can all enjoy the gorgeous weather. Yeah I know, unoriginal title, but when someone gets it that dead on, y'know?

So to quote the horse from Ren & Stimpy, "No sir, I don't like it." Not a big fan of war as a means to solve issues, because it is so devastating. And the fall out for a war continues well beyond the end of the conflict so it doesn't really solve anything, except maybe who has the best weapons.

I do recognize the need for war to resolve certain types of disputes. And I can't give you a definition of what those types of disputes are. Instead I would offer this as the means with which to judge if going to war is the proper thing: If you are willing to completely obliterate your opponent, and by that I mean wipe them from the face of the earth, every man, woman and child, and all they have done and are doing, to completely erase them from existence, then you are prepared for war and should go to it. If your commitment to it isn't to that extent, then you had better find another solution.

A lot of people will read that and go 'Holy shit Coyote, you're a complete psycho who advocates the destruction of an entire people!' I don't. I just know there isn't many wars I'd advocate if I had to use that as my measuring stick. I apply it to a personal level. Outside of participating in a sport that requires it, I will not get into a fight unless I am willing to kill that person. Because you can never EVER predict what will happen after the fighting starts. What might only annoy one person might kill another. I know my skull is somewhat proof against large blunt objects (many people have tested it) but other folks might get a crushed skull from a baseball bat to the back of the dome. Hell I might too if it is hit in the right manner. And if attacked I will defend myself to the same extreme if required because I have many people who depend on me for their existence. To harm me puts them at risk and I won't let that happen.

Ok so yeah, maybe I am a bit loopy. And I'm sure there might be better solutions. And I'm sure a lot of folks out there will read this and go 'Geez... maybe Coyote got too many smacks to the dome,' but it comes down to this: I value human life far too greatly, including those that would oppose me even by force, to want to take their life without being absolutely sure that it was required.

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