Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Once upon a time

So come on in, got a bit of good news, looks like the Province, the U of R and FNUC have come to some kind of agreement, and Norris is going to start lobbying the feds. Neat. Oh and we got some salad left from supper last night. Enjoy!

So I was watching a Disney show about male twins, who would be about 12, dancing with two female twins of about the same age. And there they were dancing cheek to chest, and it reminded me of my first slow dance, the only slow dance I had with this girl, with my grade school crush.

She had curly strawberry blonde hair, gorgeous freckles, complained about how her mom used her arm hairs to test mascara. And she sat beside me through most of grade seven.

I had that one slow dance with her, and yeah, I was shorter, and she was a highly developed female. We were cheek to boobs. But I don't remember those. I remember looking into those fantastic green eyes, framed perfectly by those gorgeous freckles, and seeing her smile. Probably because I had a big stupid goofy grin on my face because, let's face it, I was 12 and my head was next to boobs. But that's not what I remember. I remember that smile.

Man she was gorgeous.

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