Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Random thoughts while procrastinating before getting back to writing a paper

Come on in, it's a beautiful day. The cat is wandering around and the little bear is here because of holidays. Small fire, just to get the smell of sage around the cave. Always helps to clear out the winter smells.

So Tiger Woods is front page news for being a golfer who fucked around. Slow news day? Let me tell you all what I feel about this. Tiger has a lot of money, is a handsome dude, and he would have literally had pussy flying at his face. Does this mean he should have done what he did? *shrug* For me, no, for others, yes. For other still, they don't know. What I _do_ know is that it isn't front page news.

The feds cut funding to the commission for dealing with residential school issues, citing their negative attitude towards the feds. Hmmm. Y'know I've said this before. Saying sorry is meaningless if your actions still show you don't care.

MMA is now its own tab on the TSN website rather than under the 'more' tab! COOL! The sport is more mainstream!

How about that. A re-imagining of A Nightmare on Elm Street. If they fuck this up I will make my own glove and find the producers and ... well. You've all seen the movies.

I've been injecting myself with insulin for about four months now. They told me 'You'll get used to it, the pain will go away.' It hasn't, and I haven't. I hate the injections. But. I'll keep doing them.

And it looks like I'll be coaching soccer again. WHEE!!! :) For the wee little guys too, 4 5 and 6 year olds. I love that age group.

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