Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Just nothing

Heya folks, come on in, I've let the fire go down to coals, feel free to cook up something. The pantry is full and I'm sure we've got some nice fish for everyone to enjoy.

So here's the thing folks. I've had a rough few days dealing with a situation with the Little Bear's school. It's becoming one of those situations where I honestly have to question what the fuck they're teaching teachers these days. But on the flip side it has helped me teach the Little Bear a particular lesson that I think we all need to accept.

The world nothings you. The world is not a place that is out to get you. It is not a dark scary place filled with sharp pointy things and evil monsters out to eat you, nor is it a happy place of rainbows and puppy dogs, where your every wish shall be fulfilled and you will always find happiness. It is just a place. It is a place that heavily depends on what you do in it, but at the same time there is a lot of folks out there who are also in it, and even when they apparently screw you over it rarely has anything to do with how they feel about you, but instead their own needs and desires. The world nothings you.

The world nothings you. It does not owe you anything. You are not promised anything coming into the world, or going out of it. Either in or out, the thing about life is that no one gets out alive. Nor does it mean when you do everything the 'right' way will you get what you want. Sometimes it just works out that way. It doesn't mean that nefarious forces are gathered to prevent you from getting what you want, it just means that someone else maybe wanted it more or didn't care that you wanted it as well. The world nothings you.

The world nothings you. Life does not suck. It is not a hellish experience filled with bad news and disappointment. Nor is life a bowl of cherries. It is neither end of this spectrum, and perhaps is not related to a spectrum at all, instead a point of dots that intersect other points. The world nothings you.

The world nothings you. That is neither bad nor good. It merely is.

1 comment:

Smarty Pants said...

Well said, Coyote.