Thursday, September 23, 2010

Economists are EEVUL!

Thanks for stoppin' by, I've got some yummy veggies, and fruit of course, but we've already discussed the Apples and Bananas. I'm gonna lean back here and enjoy a smoke while you watch the fire.

I had the strangest dream last night. I dream lucidly, and usually my dreams, even when they're totally surreal, still make sense. This one. Not so much. Apparently I had to gather a good deal of money for some unexplained reason, and the only way to get this money was to defeat various economists in debates and financial challenges. And man, those economists are vicious.

So it starts with some need of money and I explain to my buddy Neo that I need to get this money, but never why, but hey, Neo, he's my pal he's down with whatever we need to do. We contact the Ringmaster and cenobyte, and off we go to the training montage.

Have you ever thought what a training montage for battling economists would be? Well no need to ponder anymore, I can tell you! There was even cheezy 80s music from a Rocky film. There I am on a stationary bike, while I'm surrounded by people reading financial papers out loud. Quick cut, there I am running down a street, a cig in my mouth and bottle of Diet Dr. Pepper in my hand, while ceno on a moped shouts the three letter stock exchange title for companies, while I name the companies. Quick cut, there I am in a whirlpool swilling beer, while being indoctrinated by the policies of greed by Ringmaster. Quick cut, there I am watching Jim Cramer. Quick cut, I run stairs in an office building, stealing people's inter-office mail, in what I can only assume is somehow related to economists.

And then the battles begin. Here the dream started getting hazy, cuz I think I had to get up to pee, but still, what little I remember was enough for me to realize I never EVER wanna fight with an economist. Not cuz I'll lose, but because they fight dirty and cheat. And that's MY method of fighting. Fuckers. *shakes fist*


cenobyte said...

Are you kidding!!??
You can tell this is the best dream ever invented because ***I GOT A FUCKING MOPED!!!!!***

Seriously, man. That rocks.

Silent Winged Coyote said...

I think the moped is because of 'Run Fatboy Run.' His 'trainer' has one and a spatula. No spatula, but the moped was there.