Tuesday, September 14, 2010

From one brother to another

Come on in, feel free to enjoy the nice fire and some tasty chicken. Mmmmm, chicken bones for soup. So normally I don't write to just one person but this, this is meant for only one. However there are things in it that anyone can benefit from.

I could go back and reference a lot of things I've written before but for you, my brother, I have some very specific things I need to say to you, things you need to hear, but things you need to hear on your own time and in your own way. Unfortunately situations like this require both the security of the closeness of a friend and the distance to find your own way. So I chose this method to allow you the place and time to do it as you see fit.

So here is the list of things to remember in this time of trouble:

1) Whatever you think is going to happen, whatever you hope is going to happen, and whatever you're being told is going to happen, don't believe it. Plan for the absolute worst situation possible, and act from there. Keep in mind two very very important marker posts to base your judgements off of, the welfare of your immortality and the your own well being. Nothing else matters. Take that to heart.

2) Stoicism is a great thing in certain situations. Not this one. Feel what you need to feel and express it to those you trust. The only way out to the other end of this one is finding out what you are capable of feeling and where your values lie.

3) Get the right council. Both as a specific and as general. Do not listen to the bitter or the hatred, do not listen to the hopeful or the joyous. Listen to the even tempered and those that are looking out for the same two things I said to value.

4) Know that not only do I love you, would live, kill, and die for you, but others do as well. Lean on them as you need. Never be afraid to ask them for help, because they will not see it as a duty, or a weakness in you, instead the way they can show their love.

5) Do not procrastinate on anything to do with the situation. Handle it as quickly as possible so there are no questions to your passion, values, or commitment.

6) There is going to be bitterness, anger, betrayal, self-recriminations, and questions of your own worth. Feel them, work through them, tell those you need to tell, but do not let those things rule your actions. When you doubt, tell us. We can be strong for you in those times.

Brother, I wish you love, happiness and all the things you deserve, but I know those things will only come with time. Don't worry about them now, or what you think you might deserve, right now you have a duty and a job to do. Do it as you would any other job in front of you, with your full attention and faculties, eyes wide open, and throw yourself at it with dedication. We're with you.

1 comment:

cenobyte said...

Especially numbers two, four, and the very last sentence.