Monday, April 12, 2010

Dreaming of Romance

Come on in and watch the smoke from the flames. The fire is high because it is snowing again. When the smoke washes over us, sometimes it finds our dreams and lets others watch.

We stood together and you had your head bowed. I was mixed up in a whole series of frightening emotions. My adrenaline was pumping, my heart was fluttering, my head hurt, and watching you make different excuses and pull up a lot off different walls frustrated and infuriated me.

"But I'm not going to be in Regina for much longer, sure I'll be back after the practical, and you said, you want to go somewhere for your doctorate. And I'm just not ready to try something because I'm still raw. It just seems silly for us to try to get to know each other better, or beyond friends, I just *-"

Your eyes go wide as I grab you up and kiss you. At first your hands hit my shoulders and lightly push. I'm not holding you that tightly. Firmly, sure, but not so tight you couldn't push away if you wanted to. I peek. Your eyes close and your arms wrap around my shoulders.

At first it is just our lips pressed. And your body remains rigid, apart. I let my hands unclasp and rather than a hug I slowly run my hand along your back and side, I let the other reach up to touch your hair, your neck. I'm aroused as your body slowly melts into mine. Your leg presses between my own. Your hands cradle my head and our lips slowly part.

For eternity we let our breath, our souls mix. The kiss erases physical boundaries and we entwine.

I step back, regretfully. Time stopped for us, but not the rest of the world. I stare into your eyes as we separate. I hold out my hand, smile as charmingly as I can, "Would you care to join me for dinner tonight?"

"As," your voice is shaky and hoarse, you cough and clear your throat, and try to grin but seem nervous, "As friends?"

"No, I'd love to get to know you, slowly and surely. I'd like to go on a date with you." I grin and wink, "Will you be my girlfriend? You can wear my school jacket."

You laugh at me and shake your head, "I don't think this is wise."

"So you're coming to dinner as my date then?"

Quietly, but with conviction, "Yeah." You mutter something as you turn to pick up your dropped bag, and I think it was 'that was some kiss,' but I don't need to clarify. You'll tell me if you want me to know.


Several years later we meet. It is a pleasant surprise to see you here amongst other former students. We chat and you are as charming and beautiful as you were so many years ago. I haven't the inclination to stop you as you tell me all you've done since we left one another, as out paths diverged.

"You know, that kiss was one of the best of my life." You're surprised as you say it, and I chuckle.

"Greatest I can remember."

Our hands touch, then wrap around each other. It is more a handshake between friends than the interwoven fingers of lovers. For a moment we both seem to be held timeless again as either one of us might change the simple embrace.


We part as others come to greet us, and time resumes.

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