Wednesday, February 11, 2009


C'mon in, and grab a piece of turf. The weather is getting warmer, but the fire will always be here. I'm about to do something I haven't done before. You see I do write poetry. And I'm going to put up the one I finished most recently. Most of the poems I write are little musing things, I don't know how good they are, but I think this one is pretty good. Feel free to criticize.

The Moon

Sharp edged steel flows
Into sensual curves.
Dangerous paths wind among
Tall cliffs. Walls of threatening
Rock hide what might be within.
If you know the path they
Lead to cavernous empty spaces
And here I find hiding places.

Forward, the icy light
Shines. It breaks down all
Considerations. Fear holds sway
Over the ocean of chaos
Barely held from sight.
If you know the right word they
Calm and allow you to approach
And the sky blue loses all reproach.

To give your Self is a dangerous thing
And to accept that gift is the same as
Giving. Fear is bred amongst the tall
Spires of protection we all carry.
Beauty is not in the beholder’s eye
Instead it flows from the mind.
Imagination is what fuels love’s embrace
And through that creates such sublime taste.

For this I then break away
From the paths most taken.
I know that this way is not tread
By any before and as such
I know that I will find my paradise.
What I seek is nothing
Less than the dark sword flaming
Barring the way to Eden waning.

1 comment:

Viper Pilot said...

You lay that shizzle down in a recording (in a voice and tone of your choosing) and I will craft some magnificent beats to go underneath it.

It might not happen straight away, though...