Wednesday, June 24, 2009

What I want.

Come on in, and sit down for a while, of course, I'm just going to scream for a bit.

I would like to go one day where I feel like my contributions as a father are appreciated instead of just judged.

I would like to go one day where my thoughts and ideas on child care and child raising are given equal weight.

I would like to go one day where I don't have to say to myself 'I wonder how many times I'm going to have to do this?'

I would like to have equal time with my youngest daughter.

I want my family and for it to have a positive strong father figure who's authority isn't undercut on a daily basis.

You'd think that would be very little to ask for.


cenobyte said...

In fact, that's quite a lot to ask for. But it's the very least you *should* ask for. And get.

(I usually never mention this, but my word verification is "butorke'. I think that's funny.)

Smarty Pants said...

Recognition of how hard you work as a father would be tremendous. I often feel that in today's society, Father's aren't valued as much as mums and we're all painted out to be bumbling idiots who are somewhat good with heavy lifting and home repairs. So I feel your angst.
Just hunker down and stand fast, Coyote. You're fighting the good fight even if no one can see your bravery right now.