Sunday, October 10, 2010

Thanksgiving Prayer

Come on in, it's been a weird couple weeks. Between sickness, kitties, and teenagers (Oh we'll discuss that later) it has been a bit rough. And I have listened to a bunch of folks bring up the darker aspect of Thanksgiving, the holiday which apparently commemorates the colonization of the First Nations in North America. Which I really don't see it as such, instead I like to see it as the celebration of the intersection of culture. Despite what came after, it is worthy to celebrate that meeting, that doubling, the enhancement and loss. So in that spirit I offer this Thanksgiving Day Prayer:

I thank the Grandfather's for the wisdom they've given us all, in letting us learn all we can to both survive the world of old and now this one.

I thank the People, for the spirit they retain despite their worn bodies and minds. I wish they could see it past the pain and dependence.

I thank the various Governments who have made it their policy to eliminate cultures and people from the face of the planet. You have shown the true depth of the human spirit, both its highs and lows.

I thank everyone around me for the myriad of voices they add to the chorus of the world, the web of existence, the Sacred Circle.

I thank my immediate Family, for they have given me all that I am.

I thank you, who listen to my prayer, in all worlds and ways, for without you there is nothing else.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Beautiful and brilliantly worded. :~)