Monday, October 19, 2009

Sit a bit

Come on in, the weather has become incredibly nice, so nice all the skins have been pulled back and a wonderful breeze is streaming through. I went and picked up a nice bunch of veggies, so feel free to munch a bit. The den has gotten a bit musty though, what with the lack of use...

Sorry bout that, that being the lack of use of the den, but football season always folds into the start of the school year, which usually brings some kind of illness, and then I just don't seem to have the time to write fun stuff. But I do believe I'd like to attempt more regular writings. Fun stuff written for my amusement tends to be more fun and jump starts other writing as well.

Speaking of fun writing, my First Nations Religion and Spirituality class is turning into quite a fantastic class. The professor has a rather informal style and welcomes almost any related subject to be discussed. The classroom periods feel more like free exchange rather than a lecture and I'm loving it. And my first paper should be a real doozy. Once it's done I do believe it will end up in the den.

I was really worried about the class, what with my own slightly wacky religious views, but hey it's been nothing to worry about. That and it's amazing that the class seems to have a lot of personalities that come forward and really push the level of knowledge. That is a rarity, believe me.

So here's to an attempt to write every day if possible. We'll see how it works out or if I'll just wuss out after a week. :)

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