Friday, February 25, 2011

Really? Really.

Come on, got some 'pasgetti and if you're not in for a meal, some sour cream and onion chips.  The fire is high and well. The clue by four is out.  And I think we need to talk about some things.  Mainly just me and the guys, but you ladies, I have a couple things to say to you too, mainly about self-preservation.  But that's for the end.

Ok first, go read this crap.  Really? 

Firstly, to Judge Dewar.  I'm gonna lay this scenario out for you.  What say I come by your house with the clue by four.  See cuz let's say the victim is my sister, and you've angered me.  You're going to get a beating.  Not just a beating.  I'm going to take this clue by four and I'm going to shove it straight up your ass, no lube, and we're using the splinter end.  And everytime you shout 'NO!  Stop sodomizing me with that big chunk of splintery wood,' I'm going to remind you that you asked for it by shitting all over the victim.  And since you asked for it by making such ridiculous and sexist statements, I get to keep doing it.  And I'm going to do it until even surgery won't fix your asshole, so you get to walk around for the rest of your life with a colostomy bag, emptying your shit into a toilet in the most humiliating fashion because Judge Dewar, that's what you've done to that woman.  You.  *JAM* Did. *THRUST* That. *JAB*  Got it you stupid fuck?  If I could get ten minutes alone with you, with my clue by four I don't think you'd ever make that mistake again.  GOD!  I'm so enraged just thinking about it. 

Now guys.  C'mere.  Let's have a little confab, just us guys.  Ladies, you can listen in but realize I'm going to use the guy talk shit ok.  So here goes.  Guys, we've all had a cock tease situation.  We've all been in a sitaution where some hot to trot bitch gets her junk all up in our face, and shakes it like a dirty girl.  This DOES NOT MEAN SHE WANTS TO FUCK YOU!!  *SMASH*  Sadly one of the few avenues of power we've given women is their sexuality.  Of course, we punish them when they use it, but we also admire them and encourage them to do it.  But only if they fulfill our sexual object fantasies.  And this has got to change.  It has to stop.  Sexuality does not equal sex.  Let me repeat that.  Sexuality *BASH* does *SLAM* not *CRUNCH* equal *THUD* sex.  Are we clear?  Cuz here's the thing guys.  Y'know what has happened?  It's a part of this whole goal orientated society we've got.  You're confusing that little squirt at the end with the whole process.  Got it?  Stop.  *SMASH*  Just stop.  No more.  And if it really frustrates you so much when you get cock teased, well, guess what mano, you got a fucking hand, use it.  If you really need to objectify her, do it in your mind, but leave her alone.  She is someone's daughter.  Got it?  Next time you start to lose control of your dick, think of that.  She's someone's daughter.  And fucking STOP!  *CLUB*

*puts away the clue by four*  You shitheads are dismissed.  Now ladies.  Let's sit down for a sec, and just talk about self-preservation.

Just to start with, this is not your fault.  However, it is within your power to limit your own exposure to dangerous situations.  And no this is not me saying women shouldn't explore their sexuality, even if it is in a public manner.  I'm talking about understanding the boundaries and what you can do to change it.  Or in simple terms, self-defense.  Keep these things in mind.  The instant that the man stops heeding your 'no,' he is technically violating you.  It is now assault.  And you get to do what you need to to stop the assault.  Learn the various weaknesses in the human body so you can cause maximum damage with minimal effort.  My eldest daughter knows, and is comfortable with using, about a hundred different ways to hurt someone in a lot of different positions.  Learn them.  Hell I'll give fucking lessons if you want.  And I'm not teaching martial arts, I'm teaching how to hurt a human being.  That's it, and sometimes, you need to do it.

And thanks to the fantastical Holly, she of the breathtaking art (If you ever want to sell that three birds of wisdom painting, I'll sell a child or two for it) and the badger like qualities, we provide this video to further demonstrate the fucking point. 


Hollyhock Jellybean said...

Well put... I like the commercial from Scotland, by the way...

Silent Winged Coyote said...

Thanks Hol, the video is now embedded in the post. Good find.