Monday, May 5, 2008

Now it begins...

So I've been thinking that I would like to start sharing my thoughts and ideas with the wide world across this beautiful web. Mainly because every time I do a journal in one of my English classes I -=LOVE=- doing it. Not to mention the fact that I'm incredibly vain when it comes to the things I write, so what the hell, I figure I should share them. For those that like, this wonderful place will be filled with observations, thoughts, and my own meanderings, as befitting most blogs.

So let's start with some real nasty stuff.

I read a rather interesting article by a local Native columnist here in the city that rhymes with fun about how to stop gang violence, and he suggests two solutions, first that communities have to stop being so insular and start outting these damaging influences, and secondly to attempt to provide means so these gangers can improve their lives and possibly stop the cycle they are stuck in due to their negative and depressed life style. He's kinda right, but while he addresses to solutions, he doesn't get close to what I would view the real problem is.

First let's introduce a couple terms. Original trauma, this is the trauma that we suffer when we are removed from our home. The second is ontological crippling, this being the state we are in when we cannot achieve our full potential, usually the result from having a disconnected lifestyle from the world around us. I'm of the firm belief that all of us suffer from these things to one extent or another.

Let me explain this in a more base way. Each of us as individuals requires a connection to a 'homeland.' This is not nessicarily a physical point, and can be far more nebulous, such as a concept or social group. In any case we require a home. That one place we can point to and say 'This is the base that helps define me, and where I will always be accepted.' At first glance I'm sure everyone who's bothered to read this far will go 'Well of course I have that,' but do you really? Are you completely connected to that home? I know I've attempted to forge that connection myself and even I have my doubts as to the extent of my own connection.

Without that home, without that basis for identity, we are all prevented from truly reaching our full potential. Add to this crippling the fact that most individuals victim to a gang life style are from the lowest social and economic groups then we have some serious issues.

So here's my suggestions, and it goes for everyone. The first step in this is to understand that initial connection and to find the things you love about your home. Start with just your neighbourhood, invest yourself in it's well being and upkeep. Give your time and caring to those around you, with the thought in mind that you only ever get out of something what you put in.

Now this is just the start mind you, I'm sure at some later stage,I'll go into some full blown rants on how the society around us puts up massive roadblocks and while my solution seems simple it actually requires a lot of steps, but for now I think this is a good place to be. Oh and feel free to criticize at will.

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