Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Come on in and enjoy the fire.  It's so nice out today, it's a shame I spent it vegetating in my house.  Well I was also inhabiting a part of my brain where I'm writing something.  I've got this super cool idea for a Shadowrun game and the characters and the story and all wonderful and stuff.  Anyhow.

So I'm quitting smoking.  Kinda.  I want some lungs back and I think I'd like to be in shape again.  Start riding the bike at the University gym for this semester see if I can stick with it.  But I gotta quit the smoking.  Of course I'm kinda cheating.  I went back to chew, which is where I started my tobacco kick.  But it allows me to keep from killing folks and breathing and eventually that will get reduced and I'll be tobacco free again. 

But as a public service I thought I'd list a few things the other folks around a quitting smoker can do to ease the transition.

1)  Don't ask how it's going.  If they want to talk about it, cool, but for most folks, reminding them they're quitting generally makes it worse.  Part of it is getting rid of the habit.  Cigarettes are both physically addicting and habit forming.

2)  Speaking of the addiction, nicotine is one of the hardest things to kick in the world.  Don't remind us how good we're going to feel because the DTs right now feel like fucking hell.  If you've quit anything physically addicting before you know this. 

3)  When the mood swings hit, just leave.  Trust me.  Trying to make it better, trying to point it out, or any other action is just going to go wrong.  WAY wrong.  Walk away.

4)  The money thing.  We don't care.  We're addicted.  Shaddup about the money thing.  Heroin addicts kill people for fucking nickles to get their drugs, don't remind us we're just as bad, if not worse, because the money thing?  Yeah, it's not the issue.

5)  Ask how you can support.  Reasonable requests should be done.  Unreasonable ones should be checked with appropriate authorities and considered.  :)

6)  If you're a former smoker, and you're one of those holier than thou motherfuckers who want everyone to quit like you did, stay far away from quitting smokers.  We hated your attitude before, and any sanctimonious comments you make now will be justifiable homicide.  I've got case files to prove it. 

7)  If you're a former smoker and you're one of those people that are cool with others smoking while you don't, stick around.  We quitters like you and want to emulate you.  You understand that quitting is a very personal thing and your support is awesome. 

8)  Before you say anything that you think is supportive of a quitting smoker, consider how it can be taken the wrong way.  If you find just one way it can be taken wrong, don't say it.  Physical injury will follow. 

9)  Remember above all else, this person is quitting a harsh damn addiction.  And smokers are openly discriminated against.  Yet other addictions are given all the support in the world.  Remember that.  If alcoholism is a disease, then so is smoking.  Treat it accordingly.

10)  If the person fails, don't do that 'Aw, you didn't make it,' or any other negative comments.  They are down enough as is for failing to quit.  Just leave it be and be cool.  If they really want to quit, they will.  If not, they won't.  Got it?

Hope these suggestions are helpful for any other folks dealing with folks who are kicking the smoking habit.  If not, well.  G'head, say something.  I dare you.  I need to vent some rage anyways. 


Anonymous said...

So true. And why not a post about those who want to quit but can't or are not ready? Those non smokers, who have never lit up in a life time, don't understand what it takes!

Viper Pilot said...

Smash that monkey!

Anonymous said...

Well atleast if you go back to gaming people wont have to worry about you taking a dayum smoke break every 10 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha Good luck Rich wish you the best I might join ya so

The Redneck!!

Silent Winged Coyote said...

Well I guess that's a bad assumption on my part. I guess I just figger everyone knows that you can't make someone give up an addiction, it has to be their choice to do so. Forcing rehab on someone who doesn't want to do it is a sure fire way for them to relapse. And the same goes for smoking. You can't quit because all the non-smokers are cajoling you to.

In fact, to all the non-smokers out there who think you're helping your smoking friends or family by harassing them about their smoking, I can assure you that all you are doing is nominating yourself for a beating when they finally do quit and have a rage dump. Got it?

Stephanie said...

Yay to you!!! Good luck, I'm sending you all the positive thoughts and good wishes for success without any pressure or harassment. =)

Miss you!! Best wishes for this new year, hope to see you soon.


Anonymous said...

Rich. You are just too much. Hope you can find an alternate way to vent when you need to. Just remember we love you but we may not like you for a long time. Good luck. Mom