Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Another semester done

Come in come in. The den is restocked, but some of it isn't so healthy. There's some ripple chips and dip, some chilli lime/lemon pistachios (I know, yum!) and of course, some celery. If you want to make that unhealthy I'm sure we've got some spreadable cheese gunk around here somewhere. The fire is hot, the tales are fun, and you're always welcome to spend some time here.

So another semester down. This series of tests was fun because I really changed how I write, and it all came out so easy. I filled book after book with my wit, wisdom, and smart ass-ness. :) And I got back my term paper (A story about Remus Lupin's time in the werewolf community) and response papers for my Harry Potter class. When I'm given a free hand to just do as I want to display the knowledge I have I do really well apparently and come up with some brilliant stuff. The term paper was an 85%, and the response papers got 20.01 out of 25. That means I've got a good chance to make over 80 in the class. WHEEEE!!!! Yeah real intelligentsia I am! :)

I'll be taking another author study. Last semester was Rowling and Milton, this semester, James Joyce! Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man, and Ulysses. Been told by the prof teaching the class to start reading, and I have. Already enjoying this way too much.

So here's hoping you're all enjoying your various endeavors with the same joy I'm taking in mine.

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